quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010

This is my favorite peace of art: the Bonsai

Although people say that it came from Japan, actually it has been created in China in the third century B.C..In fact, the Japanese perfected the technique by including it in their art and culture as objects of worship and meditation.

This is not a specific plant, but a technique used on trees in order to "miniaturize" it by drawing on existing forms in nature. There isn`t Bonsai tree, but trees that become a Bonsai. In practice, it is the art of selecting and transforming trees that have the potential to look like a replica in nature.

The aesthetic aspects are fundamental in the execution of a Bonsai. The aesthetic importance is undoubtedly much greater than botany, though that is crucial. The aim of Bonsai art is to create an artistic composition using the nature of trees as raw material, transforming them into art through aesthetic harmony.

I've been cultivating Bonsai for three years and I can say it is an art that requires particular planned growth, nobility, style, commitment, perseverance, serenity, calm, concentration and seriousness.

Someday I'll post pictures of my "children" so you can see them.

Sorry for grammatical mistakes.


2 comentários:

  1. Diogo

    Thanks for teaching us what a Bonsai tree is. I’m really surprised. I’ve always thought Bonsai trees were some different species.

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
