quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

Film Review

District 9 was one of the movies nominated for Best Film in the last Oscar ceremony. When they made the announcement of the 10 movies in the category, I thought it was a little awkward because District 9 is a low-budget film and the Oscar usually only cares about the blockbusters.

But District 9 deserves to be among the best movies. It does you think without being too didactics. If you have never heard about segregation in South Africa, the Apartheid system, you probably will not understand one important side of the script, but OK, you can still have fun with the action sequences.

With the support of Peter “Lordoftherings” Jackson, the young director Neill Blomkamp created an allegory in which black people are substituted by aliens. With their space ship damaged they can’t get back home and are imprisoned in a ghetto, called District 9.

Oh yes! We don’t see a happy ending, but only a sign of hope. So, if you are aware of an adult movie, you will like it.

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